分光分析の可能性を広げる、スペクトラ・コープはCarl Zeiss社製分光器の日本代理店です。


Waveplates Holders

Product Number SWH-30/PWH-30
Aperture 30mm DIA
Devided cicle Standard/Precision

Standard Waveplates Holders

The outer edge of the holder has an engraved 360 degrees scale with one degree markings. When a thumb screw is released, the holder fractional degree anglar positioning can be achieved.

Precision Waveplates Holders

When a thumb screw is tightened, precise adjustments can be made with a micrometer, a vernier scale located on the front face of the holder will allow one to read angle with an accuracy of five minutes.
These products are designed to hold Crystal Quarts Waveplates(retardation plates). Two models are available, The standard and the precision.

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